The solution

for your


Online Backup

The backup system operated on the P.V.A. cloud server farm

Our so-called Smart Backup System makes it possible to replicate the databases of our ERP system to our own P.V.A. cloud storage located in the server farm in the CRA data centre. This service ensures secure data backup in case of a data disruption or hardware failure of the user server.

The basic principle of the Smart Backup System is the online replication of all data in the highly available and secure cloud storage P.V.A. Cloud. This includes the primary PostgreSQL databases of the central unit or wholesale branch servers as well as an online migration of the B.O.S.S. Enterprise system environment.

In the case of a critical failure of the primary servers, this backup data is used to restore the system. At the same time, it is possible to temporarily use the computing power of the P.V.A. servers during this time. The most important function of B.O.S.S. Enterprise is thus restored in a short time, regardless of the maintenance time required to replace or repair the user's hardware infrastructure.

Our Smart Backup System guarantees you the following:

In case of data corruption on the (functioning) server:

  • We guarantee the availability of up-to-date data: In the B.O.S.S. database and in the B.O.S.S. system environment. Migration back to a functioning server and operating system with an internet connection is also guaranteed.

In the case of a total failure of the server hardware:

  • From the moment the server defect is confirmed by a complete deactivation of the primary server, the emergency operation of the B.O.S.S. system is started on a virtual server in the P.V.A. Cloud. Emergency operation ensures the startup of the B.O.S.S. Enterprise system with an up-to-date database. This includes access for client stations and functionality of essential processes such as orders and wholesale sales (without guarantee of full communication with some external systems).
  • Afterwards, the full launch of the central unit or wholesale branch in the cloud will begin. This is done in cooperation with the customer's IT department, especially in the area of reconfiguration of IP addresses, warehouse terminals and communication interfaces to external systems.
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